Monday, March 3, 2008
Friday, February 29, 2008
Nevertheless, there is really nothing funny about the life of these boys between the ages of 5 and 15. During our first 4 ½ years living in Jos and Maiduguri, we failed to even recognize the plight of these lads by psychologically lumping them in with the “beggars.” It took the February 18, 2006 Maiduguri crisis where people were killed, church structures were burned, and businesses were destroyed to inquire about the cause. As I was beginning my course work at the University of Maiduguri in sociology (criminology), the dilemma of the almajirai was often highlighted. During this time, Jen would casually employ these youngsters in our home to watch with shock as they would “inhale” any food given.
As my master’s thesis professor connected me with the premier research on almajiranci (Hausa for “discipleship”) in northwestern Nigeria, the themes of itinerancy, seasonal migration, and dry-season idleness kept recurring. At the same time, we were struggling to mobilize the INTERCEP drip irrigation farm at Pompomari. This created a passion to reduce the level of migration among these migrant malamai (Hausa for “teachers”) followed by their seasonal almajirai. This concept caused me sleepless nights as I pondered over the agricultural roots of this entire system. Rather than creating a greater burden on the teeming urban centers, it merely appeared logical to relieve this load by encouraging the malamai and almajirai to remain in their villages through dry season farming.
The events rehearsed above led to the recent drip irrigation workshop for Borno youth on February 18-22, 2008. In 2007, the Borno Youth Empowerment Forum (BYEF) invited me to participate in their new NGO coalition further requesting me to be their president. Thus, when the difficult challenge of courting the malamai to bring their almajirai for drip irrigation training, two prominent educators serving with BYEF proved to be our greatest recruiters. The skepticism of the malamai was blatantly obvious on the workshop’s first day but their uncertainty turned to joy as we constructed our first compost. Each malam personally met me to emphasize how grateful they were and how much they hoped for this training to continue in their tsangaya (Hausa for “Quranic schools”).
Nonetheless, the highlight of the week was the participation of 2 almajirai: Abu-Bakr and Muhammadu. These 2 boys worked tirelessly each day, ate heartily during lunch, and listened intently to the Hausa translation to pick up every little bit of insight on drip irrigation. Each of these lads wore the same clothes every day showing up promptly at 8:30AM to receive the day’s instruction. INTERCEP really hopes to visit these 2 youngsters in their tsangaya to monitor their progress in not only drip irrigation but life. As the Messiah intimated, “Whoever welcomes this little child in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. For he who is least among you all---he is the greatest.”
Thursday, February 28, 2008

The long sojourn from Maiduguri to Kano has none of the scenic beauty of the Smokies, Rockies, or the mighty Mississippi. It is purely a redundant scene of sand, cows, scrub-brush, goats, and thatched villages. The only unique tree is the rugged baobab (“Kuka” in Hausa) that legend asserts were demons thrown from heaven landing upside down. As we stop to refuel, we are normally met by a line of vehicles forcing us to wait patiently to fill our tank. Therefore, the eyes of travelers are always gazing through the scrub-brush to find any unique image.
Fortunately, Dave, Randall, and I found such an “eye-popping” portrait in Bulkachuwa, Bauchi State as we witnessed a herd of camels. This caravan was beginning a 7 day journey from northern Nigeria into Niger at their village of origin. These Niger indigenes were extremely friendly communicating with me in Hausa. They even allowed Randall to ride a camel which led to him buying a local ax off of their leader. This was such an exotic experience for a couple of Westerners who have never been able to encounter a camel caravan in the open range.
From this “peak”, we entered Kano in the early afternoon sharing a nice lunch together. What occurred after this was absolutely unpredictable but entirely sensible to one having traveled Nigeria’s urban thoroughfares.
Randall was sitting in the back passenger side of my vehicle with his camera lightly resting on his right knee. As we were waiting at a major intersection, we shockingly heard someone screaming, “WHY DO YOU WANT TO SNAP ME?” From then, a crippled young man on a rectangular skateboard pulled himself through Randall’s window to swipe the camera. In the process, not only did he smash the camera but whacked Randall’s elbow and face. Thankfully, Randall understood how to handle himself in a third-world context and refused to be baited into a retaliatory scene. As the street hawkers gathered around the paraplegic, they attempted to calm him but he successfully dented my vehicle with one last swipe as we drove away.
In the second chapter of the second letter to Corinth, our Master reminds us to be aware of our adversary’s schemes. We are grateful to the Most Merciful for preparing Randall to handle himself with such grace in this ugly scene. This event merely reminds us of the darkness that prevails over northern Nigeria’s largest city (7 million). Our prayer is that the Holy One will prime us for attacks from the evil one that are yet to come. The light of the Most Compassionate shines brightest in the darkest corners.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
During the food preservation workshop for Borno women from February 11-15, 2008, the INTERCEP overhead water tank was constructed. After several consultations with our architect, solar engineer, and farm manager, we agreed on a height of 7 meters. On two occasions, inferior iron bars were brought to the Pompomari farm site for construction. Thankfully, Ebenezer Udofia was there to immediately reject these substandard materials. Poverty stricken contexts are known for using low-grade equipment which cannot withstand the test of time.
As Dave Goolsby and Randall McAdams observed the welder bonding the galvanized steel pipes together, his work demonstrated quality craftsmanship. As the pipe structure was set upright, everyone began to be in awe of the welder’s handiwork. Eventually, the pipe framework was positioned into 6 deep holes and carefully cemented to insure its durability. As the wooden planks were laid on top of the pipe rectangle, it was difficult to keep the workshop trainee’s attention. Then, the 6,000 liter plastic tanks were carefully lifted on to the wooden planks which could be seen from a kilometer away.
Now that the drilling of our INTERCEP farm borehole is nearly completed, we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our solar accessories in mid-March from the United Kingdom. Once the solar equipment is installed, we are excited about the steady flow of water that will supply these overhead tanks for our drip irrigation farm. Additionally, we are enthusiastic about converting our current ground reservoir into a fishery. The nutrients from this fish pond will equally supplement the Borno sandy soil with needed trace elements. Yet possibly the greatest effect from these water tanks will be the thirsty Pompomari citizenry who will gather to fetch their “cup of cold water.”
The Almighty discusses how an illuminated city set on a hill cannot be hidden. This is the sheer visual impact of these plastic overhead tanks on the Pompomari community. Not only does it tell the neighborhood that we care about their need for water but that we hope to share the Water of Life. One of our Wulari shepherds recently suggested that both the Arewa Aid and Healing Hand’s logos should appear on these overhead tanks. Our ultimate hope is that as the local indigenes look overhead that they will look to the One from whom our help comes.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Saturday, February 9, 2008
The Morale Boost of Visitors
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Agriculture Activated with Altruistic Assistants
Today I was informed about another agricultural project in another part of Nigeria that has become a field of weeds. This is like most capital-intensive ventures that start with pomp and circumstance in Africa. Europeans come and announce that they are going to invest thousands of Euro to create a self-sustaining work that will benefit the masses. After they foreigners leave, the funding is handed over to seemingly trustworthy people who are instantly pressurized by their local families. Before the grandiose plans can be actualized, all of the revenue has been exhausted to relieve immediate suffering bankrupting the program.

INTERCEP’s agricultural project at Maiduguri, Borno State in northeastern Nigeria is progressing because of committed personnel. Enough credit cannot be given to the INTERCEP executive agricultural administrator, Ebenezer Udofia, for handling himself with absolute integrity. When a leak emerged in our water reservoir, he immediately assumed full responsibility for the challenge and resolved to correct the problem from his work fund. Only when the problem became intolerable, did he come to the INTERCEP office in Maiduguri and request additional funding to permanently correct the leakage. He additionally handled a delicate conflict between a couple of believers with maximum grace to insure that the same conflict from a year ago did not re-emerge.

Justina Tsesar and her husband, Ephraim Tsesar, are 2 highly reliable farm maintenance assistants at the INTERCEP Maiduguri site. They arrive early in the morning to see that all crops are watered by 7:00AM and insure that the drip irrigation is functioning optimally. They build trellises for vine crops that enables their maximum growth so that each fruit gets adequate sunlight. They create additional space for compost fertilizer to supplement the plant beds so that crops receive the nutrition needed. Finally, they tenderly care for the young seedlings that are planted in the starter beds like a mother nursing her children so that transplantation is an effortless task.

Altruism is a word not often used that carries the connotation of selflessness, sacrifice, and pursuit of a goal behind personal gain. These humble servants of the Almighty understand these concepts and are therefore able to actualize them on the farm because they are already at plan in their lives.
Please continue to pray that the One who grants harvest will raise up these type of workers to go out into the harvest fields to gather the abundant harvest awaiting us. In the meantime, we will continue to serve with these unselfish servants and spread the news that working for the benefit of others brings glory to the Creator of heaven and earth. This message resonates with those who seeking a religion of true monotheism not one that only recites His oneness but demonstrates that compassionate altruism.

Entrusting Trust with the Trustees
There is probably not any word that can be overstated in human relationships more than trust. Trust is what a marriage is built on without it a husband and wife cannot dwell in unity. Trust is what banks leave with their customers as their credibility rides on their handling of money. When a Muslim mother in Maiduguri left her son with us, she openly announced that she was handing him over to us as an “AMANA” (which in Hausa is “trust”). You can’t trust anybody and the circle of people that one builds around them must carry this single abiding factor of trust.
The board of the International Centre for Peace, Charities, and Human Development (INTERCEP) in Jos has been more than “trustees” to the Blake family for a long time. The Executive Director, Clement Iornongu, and I served on a television program for nearly 3 years discussing issues of faith. Clement’s wife, Onyinye Iornongu, is a humble serving in Jos running a primary for orphans and underprivileged children. Our best friend in all of Nigeria is Dr. Dimis Mai-Lafia who singlehandedly brought us back into Nigerian in August of 2004 and has seen to our long-term strategy for serve here ever since. The final member of this magnanimous team is Barrister Tinna Muhammad who is a powerful lawyer, gentle servant, and has a compassionate heart for the poor masses.
Last weekend, we held an INTERCEP trustee board meeting with Jen and me to clarify the developing relationship between Arewa Aid, INTERCEP, and the Wulari believers. It was a meeting that we had all been longing for because we had never had a full meeting with the entire trustees assembled and ourselves. The meeting actually arose because parameters in the interrelationship between all three parties needed to be clearly defined. The conclusion of the meeting allowed us to define the roadmap forward allowing decisions to be enacted with the consideration of all parties in view. We are hoping that this meeting will only prompt other meetings to be held on a consistent basis to keep all stakeholders in complete participation.
Today we conducted a meeting with the INTERCEP executive director, Barrister Clement, and the leadership among the Wulari disciples. It allowed the headquarters of INTERCEP in Jos to express some apprehension concerning demands of the Wulari followers. However, the Wulari believers were able to share their concerns with INTERCEP that continuity always be the focus. Before 2008, INTERCEP in Maiduguri was merely Brad and Comfort at the office addressed No. A9 Open Air Theatre. Now, INTERCEP has grown to a team of 7 members serving at the agricultural project and the office in Maiduguri town creating the infrastructure for continuity.
This trust created between INTERCEP and the Wulari disciples lays the groundwork for other partners like Arewa Aid and Healing Hands to strategically partner. With the local Nigerian NGO and local followers working in perfect harmony, our US stakeholders can share resources,

The Cheapest in the World

When I heard these words from the head of the department of radiology at the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital (UMTH) attached to his fee for an MRI, I conjured up so many meanings. I knew that he meant that one could not find a $385 MRI done at any hospital anywhere else in the world. Yet, knowing Nigeria, another meaning that I subscribed to was the cheapest “quality” MRI in the world. Still, considering our context, another connotation was that it be performed with the “cheapest” MRI technicians in the world. At that point, I just wanted my knee to get under the Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) device and discover the real “bone of contention.”
I first consulted with the radiology department at UMTH about their MRI just after Christmas and we booked an appointment for the beginning of January. 10 days later I was under the MRI for 40 minutes listening to the magnets “grind away” to capture resonant images of my knee. By the next week, the head of radiology, Dr. Ahidjo, insisted that they had to perform another MRI on my left knee for free. Now I wondered if they didn’t get it right the first time, the images weren’t clear, or they just enjoyed looking at “Bature” (European) knees. However, the second MRI on my left knee a couple of weeks later was uneventful and we hoped would give us a comprehensive picture.
When we finally received the CD, hard copies, and analysis from the radiology head, Dr. Eni (deacon among Wulari believers) recommended that I begin a series of six injections in my right knee called Synject, begin arthritis long-term medicine called ArthoCare, and take consistent anti-inflammatory. The MRI showed some cartilage degeneration in my right knee due to a bone spur but very little damage to my left knee. However, after receiving the first Synject in my right knee, my entire right leg began swelling up at the knee and ankle. After a week of unmitigated left leg swelling, Dr. Eni decided to now inject the swollen left knee with Synject. Only a couple of days after this left knee injection, I was forced to lie down on our bed for 3 days without movement due to severe pain in my left knee, left calf, and left ankle.
Just yesterday, Dr. Eni decided to synergistically supplement the Synject with a steroid called Kenalog and the relief was pronounced. Although my left knee is still tight, the flexibility is returning and I’m hopeful for a better range of movement in a couple of days. My right knee will receive another Synject injection today with the hope that cumulative shots will create restoration in the synovial membrane surrounding the knee. All of this highlights that life is short, our bodies are frail, we cannot take tomorrow for granted, and our need to make the most of today. An old friend in the Memphis inner city ministry used to tell me, “sometimes brother the Lord has to lay you down …”
Ultimately we are not in control of anything and our lives are totally in the hands of our Creator. MRI’s, injections, arthritic drugs, anti-inflammatory, and orthopedic doctors are tremendous blessing but they are not ultimately the healers. I’m always reminding when walking through the hospital that 99% of the people there are in far worse condition than me. This only drives me to the belief that we need health care mobilized in rural areas for the poorest villagers. The cheapest medical care in the world must be coupled together with the message of the costly sacrifice of the Gentle Healer.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
What Exactly?

So, I’m doing a little bit of this and a little bit more of that. Mostly right now I am scrambling to get our stuff in gear for the upcoming workshops in February.
Being the first month of the New Year, I have just received my first salary. It is gone already! It went to make seven new doors for our boy’s quarters (B. Q.) where Ebenezer, our new Executive Agricultural Administrator, will be staying until his new house is ready on our farm land. Presently he is staying in our guest room until the B. Q. is ready.
I appreciate the opportunity to use some of my gifts other that wifing and mothering for a change. Not that I don’t love doing those two things. I do. I also appreciate the salary so that I can contribute to the household economy.
Pray for me. Off I go on this new adventure.

If You Can't Stand The Heat ...

I'm also feeling quite a bit of tension right now in raising the necessary funds for our leaking water reservoir, the upcoming food preservation workshop facilities, & the operational expenses for both workshops. Additionally, to manage the

Saturday, January 5, 2008
Creating Connections with the Community

Tuesday, January 1, 2008
The last time I was in the States, Brad, his sister, Lori, and I helped my mother-in-law to clean out her garage. So many of the boxes in the garage were filled with books. Books that belonged to her late husband, Tom, and herself. Brad and I were interested in several of the books and Mom Blake graciously allowed us to help ourselves to the treasures. And treasures they really did turn out to be.
While Brad and Musa were most recently in the States and the rest of us were in Nigeria I had time to read many of those books. It’s amazing what you have time to read when you don’t have a husband to “distract” you in the evenings!! (But, oh, how I love to be distracted now that he is back!)
The following are my thoughts on some of those books as well as others.
So Helpless, Yet So Loved
Some time back I read Abba’s Child by Brennan Manning. The outstanding point to me in his book was the idea that if you know that you are truly loved and accepted unconditionally by someone, it frees you to show almost limitless compassion to others. The confidence you gain by the knowledge and deep heart understanding of that love is powerful. I realized how much God wants to spend time together with me. I likened my time together with God to time I spent relaxing with my baby sleeping on my belly. Nothing can compare to that bond. I came to an exhilarating comprehension that God’s love, unlike human love, is unfailing. And I realized that if I could try to show unconditional love to those around me then I could help free them to also be more compassionate and loving people.
While Brad was gone I took on many responsibilities that were new to me. I gained a confidence in my ability to accomplish things I did not know I could do. All the while I knew it was only God’s power that enabled me as I met frustrating challenges of the third world. I knew just how helpless I really was without Him.
Confidence or Pride
However, I struggled with the feeling that my newfound confidence was somehow prideful. Yet I knew I was giving all glory and praise to God. Then I read something in one of those treasure books that put my feelings into the words that I could not find. It is a book by Joy Turner Tuggy. She quotes Douglas N. Sargent, “It is one of the deep paradoxes of the Christian life that such acceptance of self must go hand in hand with a genuine despair of self. It is this despair which leads to that utter and complete dependence on God Himself which enables Him to mould us, by His Holy Spirit, into the kind of saints which He would have us to be.
“Confidence in self despair” as Charles Wesley put it.
Will My Real Husband Please Stand Up?
As a side note, I have to say that I now understand what is meant by God being a husband to the widow. I am not a widow, but I was without my husband for a few months, which was not fun. I can tell you that during those three months while Brad was gone and I was here with two little ones in a third world country, I was never afraid. I never felt alone. I was never at my wits end as to what to do. God protected me and sheltered me from all harm and fear. He made a way in the desert. That is what a husband does.
Falling in Love with Brad…..again!
One of the books from Grandma’s garage was Love Life for Every Married Couple by Dr. Ed Wheat. It is an old book, so I wasn’t sure it would have much to say that I had not heard a million times before, but something in the title “Love Life” made me pick it up.
I was wowed! According to Dr. Wheat every married couple can experience those tingly feelings and warm fuzzies, flying sparks, racing hearts and twinkling eyes with each other. Is he serious? As I read, I discovered, yes, he is very serious. It is what God intended for us.
I was excited. I literally started falling in love with Brad all over again just from reading the book even while he was all the way on the other half of the world. Amazing! People started saying things to me like, “Jen, are you losing weight?” “That new dress really suits you.” “You look fantastic.” “You are really getting excited for Brad to come home, aren’t you?” I found myself driving down the street in the middle of mad traffic with a huge grin across my face and no help for it. Of course, you know what was happening. I was falling in love!
Now that Brad is back please pray for us that we can take Dr. Wheat’s advice and make this romance a long term reality. So far, so good! Get the book!!!
Quirky People
I love the Mitford series by Jan Karon. Karon is among my favorite authors. I think I am not alone. Living in the third world makes me homesick for small town American life some days. The Mitford novels make me feel like I’m home for a little while. I re-read them now and again.
I once found myself wishing that my life could be more like that of Father Tim and his pretty wife, Cynthia, with all their interesting friends and small adventures and ordinary days. Then, a revelation. Wait a minute. That is my life. All those quirky people with their annoying habits. Those are the interesting people. All those unexpected and frustrating things that happen. Those are the small adventures. And all those boring days when I feel like I’ve not accomplished enough. Those are the ordinary days.
I began to appreciate my life and the quirky people in it a little more. Those quirks are actually the endearing traits that make folks more interesting and lovable. It’s all in the perspective.
Not My Business
One book I thoroughly enjoyed and would love to read again someday is Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret. It is amazing to me that he went about his life’s work never making requests for funds or workers from anyone except God. And God never failed him. All that was ever needed was always provided on time.
I wondered if I could have as much faith. Then I read a concept that almost floored me with it’s truth. My book is actually with a friend so I cannot quote for you, but here is the idea. Whether you send your servant for a small item that costs little money or for an enormously expensive item, it makes no difference to him. The money is yours and he will bring the purchase to you. He is only the servant. It is not his business how little or how much the item costs.
You know where I am going with this. I am that servant. Whatever God asks me to do, he must provide the means. Whether little or much, whether easy or difficult. God cannot deny himself. If I am doing his will, then it is not my business how he will provide. Mine is to trust and obey.
More than a Story
The kids love this little twist on Bible story time and enjoy telling curious visitors about the stories. Just the other day our wash lady, who happens to be Muslim, was studying the pictures and talking to our teenage girls about the stories. We told her the version of the stories from the Bible and she told us her understanding of the stories from the Quran.
I was curious about her interpretations and decided to read the accounts in the Quran for myself. I realized that her versions of the stories were not really in the Quran but were simply folklore. Most Muslims do not actually know what is in the Quran, but rather, simply follow tradition. The Quran actually tells Muslims that if they want to know more about these things they should seek out the people of the book (Christians).
As I continue to teach Bible stories to our children, perhaps visitors like our Muslim wash lady will find interest in the beautiful story that unfolds before them on our no longer drab walls.
Children Pray
They don’t understand it yet, but they are little children kneeling before the throne of a great King, pouring out their hearts. My heart is full as I kneel there with them , also silently praying that the great King will draw them to himself, giving them knowledge and understanding that I cannot give them.
May my own prayers always be as simple and heartfelt as those of a child.